Saturday, May 14, 2011

clean bettas a happy bettas

is a daily basis of doing siphoning after feeding my clean treated water and a clean bettas a happy bettas...some of my white cello hmpk all growing up fast and just jar some and some still inside the comunity tank (as pic show)

Saturday, May 7, 2011


here are some of my white hmpk that i breed in late already 3 months old and all look "handsome" to me..some female and male with red band look gorgeous....all the pictures above and the fish going on sales....interested party can sms me...

Monday, May 2, 2011

on sales

Finally going to sale some of hmpk..those interested party(betta lover:)quickly text me a message or email me...just type the code number of bettas u want...exmp: hmpk-rd#01....cheer...